Monday, May 6, 2024

Maple Seeds in Spring


I long be out, totally outside right now-                out on our lawn this breezy May

out where the maple seeds spin and twirl and 

dance down- dropping 

where ever whim 

and breeze 

















... some might land into saplings & trees




poem copyright ©2024 Anne Selden Annab




Mid-March acrobatics

with blustery winds when

our dancing daffodils bloom,

many of our littlest finches 

do too.

Molting winter's camouflage

those tree branch beige shadows

and putty shades are replaced

As new feathers 

are brightening


into gold.

And the promise of more.



   poem & photo copyright ©2024 Anne Selden Annab

Sunday, May 5, 2024



The big white bird

with black wing tips*

was flying low



hours pass.

I read of fields and farms,

of migrations,

of hope

and dreams-

of hunger

and hard work.

By chance I look up

thinking- digesting


to see

three big white birds

with black wing tips

flying low

in the opposite direction.

poem copyright ©2024 Anne Selden Annab

*Snow Goose

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Almost Spring


        Almost Spring

Sycamore trees glow

in the dusk, 

gathering moonlight

(and star dust)

in their branches.



poem & photo copyright ©2024 Anne Selden Annab



Thursday, November 9, 2023

Black Squirrel

      Black Squirrel

Black squirrel leaping out

and dashing -

in a world of gray

you are

exquisite depth

like an eye's pupil

widening in the dim

of winter lit woods.



                       poem copyright ©2023 Anne Selden Annab

Monday, October 30, 2023

Dear Randy St John - Pulling Us Into Understanding This And That

 A Poem for a Beloved Teacher 

                    by Anne Selden Yellott Annab

   Pulling Us Into Understanding This And That

Dear Randy St John,  

I liked you because you liked  teaching

and all your students- everyone of us, 

the bright the dull the difficult 

the awkward the shy the brazen

the clutzy the smooth

the spark of brilliance

in every one.

You were fair,

and funny

with your handlebar mustache.

You were also astounding

with your model gorgeous wife

(Cindy) who stayed with you

studied, became a librarian.

You two together were 

the best role models I knew

the best guides on how

to find and navigate books

and people... and life.

You both truly liked books

and shared your passion

pulling us into understanding this and that-

enjoying and exploring symbolism 

and metaphor and poetry

and other such stuff

like the power of words

and simplicity.

But you also liked sports-

and the great outdoors.

Hunting fishing

real life as it is:

The beauty

of fly fishing

on a creek.

                                                                         poem copyright ©2023 Anne Selden Annab

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

So I Slow


     So I Slow

Some pain

(such as youth yearning thwarted

love betrayed

dreams dashed etc)

is all emotion. But other pain

such as this hard lump on me

tangled up in muscles and motion

is all reality- sharp smart

cringe crippling

no matter what

so I slow...

slow to savor


coffee. egrets.

rain on the creek.

yesterday's walk outside

with summer wind.

So I slow, hoping

I'll wake after surgery

and my heart will be strong enough

to take me through old age

or at least another year.

  poem copyright ©2023 Anne Selden Annab